Thursday, November 15, 2018

Partial List Of Divergent Beliefs Between Catholics

Partial List Of Divergent Beliefs Between Catholics

  • Within official teachings:
  1. Where unbaptized babies go if and when they die?
  2. Geocentricity or Heliocentricity
  3. Whether Trent closed the canon or not
  4. Whether canonizations are or always infallible.
  5. Who all the [so-called] “church fathers” are.
  6. What the church Fathers meant in many cases.
  7. How many Scripture verses have been infallibly or officially interpreted.
  8. What multitudes of Scripture verses mean.
  9. The meaning and scope of the inerrancy of Scripture (“for our salvation” or more).
  10. The official immutable position on many theological issues.
  11. The reconciliation of the efficacy of grace with human freedom.
  12. The relationship between Scripture and Tradition: partim-partim or not.
  13. How many infallible teachings there are, and what they all are
  14. What magisterial level multitudes of teachings belong to, and thus the manner of assent required.
  15. How many magisterial levels there are.
  16. What required assent to official teachings all entails.
  17. The meaning of official Catholic teaching to varying degrees.
  18. How to reconcile Extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Lumen Gentium,and if former Catholics who die as faithful evangelical-type Protestants are lost.
  19. Whether the anathemas of Trent apply to Protestants today and what they entail.
  20. Whether or not a pope can be deposed.
  21. How many bishops are necessary for this Collegial infallibility to be ensured?
  22. Whether the Virgin Mary died and then was assumed or whether she was assumed before death
  23. Whether Roman Catholicism promoted slavery
Meanwhile, those who testify to most strongly holding to Scripture as the accurate and wholly inspired word of God, with its basically literal conveyance (as in historical accounts, unlike so much modern RC scholarship), testify to being the most unified in many basic beliefs.

In stark contrast to those overall whom Rome manifestly considers members in life and in death.

Thus based upon facts and the Biblical criteria for determining belief, (James 2:18) the RCC cannot be one in belief, while as for being the one true NT church, Catholic distinctives are simply not manifest in the the only wholly inspired substantive authoritative record of what the NT church believed (including how they understood the OT and gospels), which is Scripture, especially Acts thru Revelation.

Therefore some  Catholics   essentially argue that in any conflict, Scripture, history and tradition only consist of and mean what she says - if she does say so herself.

In contrast to which is the only wholly inspired substantive authoritative record of what the NT church believed (including how they understood the OT and gospels), which is Scripture, especially Acts thru Revelation.  which  distinctive Catholic are not manifest.  See  by God's grace.

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